This special event (Low Altitude Winter Event) served 3 objectives. Firstly, an opportunity for newcomers to gain a more detailed introduction to track clearing than what is offered on a regular event. For those that have been on previous BTAC events, they were able to fine tune skills. Secondly, for BTAC volunteers to obtain a better understanding of the methodology and equipment used. Finally, to clear two different tracks for Parks Victoria over the course of the weekend.
People assembled from Friday afternoon at the Mortimer Picnic and Camping ground. As expected, temperatures were a bit chilly overnight for campers. Some of the 19 volunteers involved over the weekend wisely chose to arrive Saturday morning! Overall, the weather was dry over the weekend, even though light rain had been forecast.
The weekend was split into 3 main activities: a theory session, tidying up Ferris Track and clearing Russells Track.
The theory session on Saturday morning which was held in the comfort of the Gembrook CFA station included:
- Session 1 Safety considerations: By Andy Musgrove, Parks Victoria Senior Ranger in Charge, – risks, hazards, controls, JSAs, SWPs, PPE, span of control, etc.
- Session 2 Considerations when track clearing: By Joe van Beek: – environmental impacts, asset preservation, keeping on alignment, standards, dimensions, maintenance return periods, trip hazard free.
- Session 3 Methodology: By Joe van Beek in John Green’s absence – the various operations, order of operations, cutting the material, where and how to place the cut material, removal of trip hazards.
- Session 4. Equipment use: By Patrick Platt: -the right tools for the right job: battery or petrol, hints on operation.
- Session 5. Equipment care and maintenance: By Patrick Platt- Theory session on brush cutter and hedge trimmer. Correct PPE, fitting, equipment start up and shut down. Fuels, storage, cleaning and troubleshooting.
There were good discussions and questions across all the topics from participants, with a wonderful selection of Meredith Quick’s wonderful home baked fruit cake and biscuits to keep us well focused. Thank you to Andrew Musgrove for arrangements with the good people at Gembrook CFA. It would’ve been rather uncomfortable standing around in the outdoors for 3 hours going over theory at that time of the year.
Lunch was held back at the Mortimer Campsite, followed by Patrick Platt’s demonstrations on how to best set up the brush cutter and hedge trimmer for safe and effective use. Saturday afternoon, participants were able to put their knowledge to practice clearing the 3km Ferris Track adjacent to the picnic ground. The group was split into two with a group starting at either end, and meeting in the middle. The track didn’t need a lot of heavy work and was easily cleared during the afternoon, allowing time for the evening BBQ preparations and wonderfully hot fire to keep warm by.
Sunday morning, we vacated Mortimer Campsite at 8.30am and were escorted by Andy Musgrove to the Dyer Creek Picnic and Campsite, about a 30-minute drive to the north. The task for the day was to clear the Russells Track. A more challenging track with heavier fire regrowth requiring substantial brush cutting, hedge trimming as well as chain sawing at the Dyer Creek end of the track. Again, two teams were formed working from each end of the track. All volunteers did a great job and demonstrated safe technical skills in a more challenging environment. We returned to Dyer Creek Picnic and Campsite at 3.30pm.
One volunteer was unfortunate to get a leech on his eye which was removed onsite. Treatment was later taken at the Eye and Ear Hospital. The ranger was notified, and a medical incident recorded against the event on Park Connect.
Overall, the event was successful. Thanks to all who attended and to Andy Musgrove, Parks Vic Senior Ranger for his wonderful support with arrangements and contribution to the theory session.
Owen Morris & Joe van Beek
BTAC Project Managers