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Bushwalking Tracks and Conservation (BTAC)

Bushwalking Tracks and Conservation (BTAC) focus is on tracks and trails strategies, exploring opportunities for new or upgrading tracks, articulating a vision that bushwalkers want for the future, and undertaking fieldwork in Victoria's national parks and state forest.

BTAC Volunteers carry out hands-on work on tracks and conservation projects.   Our projects are carried out under the auspices of relevant land managers, by Parks Victoria (in Victorian national and state parks) and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (in Victorian state forests).

Works traditionally include clearing fallen trees and vegetation from existing walking tracks, building or repairing boardwalks, installing or replacing track markers and signage, and identifying and removing noxious weeds.

Our preference is to volunteer in the more remote and difficult to reach areas of the State where there is often no local pool of volunteers for the land managers to draw upon.

BTAC encourages and supports bushwalking clubs to do track work with their local land managers.

If you are interested in becoming a BTAC Volunteer  please register on the Parks Victoria Volunteer portal ParkConnect and join the Bushwalking Victoria group.

Email any enquires to


BTAC 2024 Program

Date Location Track Land Manager Land Manager Contact BTAC Leader Status
27-30 September 2024Croajingolong National ParkCoastal WalkParks VictoriaNick WilkinsMike GrantCompleted
24-27 October 2024Alpine National ParkMt Jaithmathang to Fainter Fire TrailParks VictoriaAlister HodgsonJohn GreenCompleted
15-17 November 2024Alpine National ParkNational Trail Howitt Hut to Dry RiverParks VictoriaMike DowerJoe van BeekCancelled Weather
22-26 November 2024Alpine National ParkLickhole Creek Track Howqua HillsParks VictoriaJim CravenBob EdwardsCancelled Protest
22-26 November 2024Mount Samaria State ParkWileman and Summit Loop TracksParks VictoriaJim CravenBob EdwardsCancelled Weather
12-17 December 2024Alpine National ParkAAWT Buenba FlatsParks VictoriaJo DurrantJoe van BeekPending

BTAC 2025 Program

Date Location Track Land Manager Land Manager Contact BTAC Leader Status
11-13 January 2025Mt Buffaloo National ParkVarious Mt Buffaloo TracksParks VictoriaZoe GodfreyMike GrantCompleted
24-27 January 2025Alpine National ParkTrack to Mt Howitt from Howitt carparkParks VictoriaBek GannonJoe van BeekCompleted
14-17 February 2025State ForestMcMillans Walking Track
Crooked River to 25 Mile Creek
DEECAPaul BrookerJoe van BeekRecruiting Volunteers
28 Feb to 3 March 2025Alpine National ParkAAWT - Misery Trail
from Macs Creek Track to Dead Horse Creek
Parks VictoriaJo DurrantJohn GreenRecruiting Volunteers
28-30 March 2025Baw Baw National ParkAAWT Mt Erica Car Park to Mt EricaParks VictoriaYani CornthwaitePeter Maffei
Joe van Beek
In Planning
25-28 April 2025Mitchell River National ParkMitchell River Walking TrackParks VictoriaSusie HaleJoe van BeekIn Planning
May 2025Yarra Ranges National ParkMorleys Walking Track in Black RangesParks VictoriaSteve JohnstonePatrick PlattIn Planning

To volunteer for a BTAC activity register via the Bushwalking Victoria Group on ParkConnect