Eight BTAC volunteers recently travelled to the Sheepyard Flats in the Howqua area to clear the bottom section of the Eagles Peaks Walking Track. This 6km section entailed a steep climb of 400 metres in elevation to the 1.8km mark and then a gentle ascension to the 5km mark and then a steep section of 1.0km to the top of a knoll at 1236 metres.
The volunteers were afforded the luxury of camping at Parks Victoria’s Blackbird Depot, about 2km from the start of the track at Davons Flat. Although volunteer numbers were fewer than expected but with the great help from Rangers James and Tahlia the whole section of track was cleared of logs, apart from a very small number of stepover logs, and the brush cutting, trimming and raking was completed to within 1km of the objective. The initial bottom 1.8km had been cleared previously.
It was pleasing to have the company of two new volunteers, Mike and John and a returning volunteer Gabby, who toiled on clearing the very dense track regrowth.
The BTAC team were very appreciative of Parks Victoria for allowing them to access the facilities at the Blackbird Depot, especially the hot shower facility. The great support and contributions from Rangers James and Tahlia were much appreciated. They also prepared a sumptuous meal for the volunteers on Saturday evening. A big thanks to Rangers Jim and Tahlia who carried out a reconnoitre of the track in early August which was very helpful in planning the tools required for the clearing activities.
BTAC statistics include 192 volunteer work hours, 70 travelling hours and 14 administration hours.
The BTAC team look forward to returning to the area in mid-November when a track from Circuit Road to Mount Thorn will be cleared. This event will be a good opportunity for new volunteers to participate in the BTAC activities.
These photographs show conditions encountered and volunteers in action.