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Tips for Summer Bushwalking

Summer brings unique challenges; here are some tips for making bushwalks in summer enjoyable and safe.

Choose your walk carefully

  • Summer can be scorching, so choose a walk to suit the weather.
  • Avoid desert walks; look for routes that provide some shade.
  • Avoid any walk that involves steep climbs during the hottest part of the day.
  • Locations such as the Goldfields, Brisbane Ranges, Werribee Gorge, Long Forest and Lerderderg Gorge are not generally recommended for summer walks.
  • Consider the cooler Alpine areas or rainforest areas such as the Otways, the Central Highlands, East Gippsland, Strzelecki Ranges and Wilsons Promontory.

Be prepared

  • Check fire warnings before you set out. Cancel your walk if the weather forecast is Catastrophic/Code Red or Extreme. Victorian parks and forests in bushfire-prone areas are often closed to the public on Code Red days.
  • Plan to start your walk early in the morning to avoid the hottest part of the day.
  • Wear light colours, long sleeves and lightweight loose-fitting clothes to facilitate sweat evaporation.  Don’t forget your hat, sunscreen and sunglasses.
  • Carry plenty of water. Safe, naturally-occurring drinking water is generally non-existent in the bush in summer.
  • Learn to identify the symptoms of heat exhaustion and know how to treat it.
  • Don’t forget your first aid kit, including snake bite bandages just in case!

During the walk

  • Stay well-hydrated before, during and after your walk and consider carrying extra electrolytes to replace those lost when you sweat.
  • Allow time for a slower pace and to have more frequent drink and rest stops.
  • If you’re doing a long walk, either take a lengthy midday break or see if you can reduce the distance to be covered.

You can find more detailed information about trip planning, dealing with extreme weather, walking in challenging conditions and minimum water requirements in the Bushwalking Manual.


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Stay Safe in Nature – This Summer is Different!

In response to ongoing flooding and unpredictable weather across the state, Parks Victoria has commenced a new safety campaign for the Christmas holiday period – this Summer is Different!

Current situation

Storm and flood damage to our parks is widespread. Some parks are still underwater, in others the waters have receded but there are significant risks from falling trees, water crossings, flash flooding, pot holes, landslips and more.

There is also significant damage to roads, tracks and visitor facilities managed by Parks Victoria as well as the environment and cultural heritage.

With more weather events expected over the summer period, the emergency is ongoing, constantly changing and challenging.

Parks Victoria’s priority is to keep people safe while visiting parks.

Their key message to people is check the condition of a park before you go and plan your trip accordingly.

Key places for information:

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Training 2023

Workshops: Using your Smartphone for Navigation

Westerfolds Park, Fitzsimmons Lane, Templestowe.
Sundays, March 12 or April 2, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

In this Workshop we will look at how GPS satellite navigation works – the theory, practicalities, advantages and limitations. We will discuss a variety of free smartphone mapping/navigation apps, including Avenza,, and Terra Map. An outdoor practical exercise will be included. Detailed notes, activity sheets and map will be supplied.

These workshops are open to all club members and Individual Bushwalking Victoria members.

Registration for the March 12 Workshop opens at 9.00am on Saturday February 4 via this link.
Registration for the April 2 Workshop opens at 9.00am on Saturday February 18 via this link.

When registering online, you will need to provide your Name, Mobile Number, Club or Individual BWV Member status and Make and Model of your Smartphone.


IMPORTANT: After registration, successful applicants will be provided with information on what to bring. They will also receive detailed instructions on phone setup. Preparation and pre-reading MUST be completed BEFORE the workshop. You must already be familiar with basic map/compass navigation and be conversant with your own smartphone e.g. be able to update software and install new apps.

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How to Keep our Feet Fit for Hiking

With the warmer weather on the way (here’s hoping), we will be spending more time in the outdoors being active.

Hiking is a great way to get out in nature and explore the world around you, but it’s important to remember that your feet are your foundation.

To find out more, follow this link

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Navigation Techniques: “Aiming Off”

Here’s another really useful tip for your navigation ‘tool box’.

Imagine: you’re navigating cross-country, using map and compass, to the track where you parked your car. But upon reaching the track, the car’s not in sight. Which way should you turn – left or right? This dilemma is easily avoided by deliberately setting a bearing that will under-shoot or over-shoot your car’s position. If you aim off to the right, you’ll turn left when you reach the track; if you aim off to the left, you’ll turn right at the track. Done! This technique works equally well if you’re aiming for a point on any linear feature such as a river or coastline.

Take a look at the Bushwalking Manual for diagrams and other handy navigation techniques.

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Brilliant Base Camp #2: Wyperfeld National Park

Wyperfeld NP is one of Victoria’s vast Mallee parks and is well-suited for autumn, winter and spring base camps. It offers walks, camping (basic facilities), a Visitor Information Centre, spring wildflowers, varied landscapes and plant communities, wildlife and birds – including Malleefowl. Clubs wishing to explore more of Victoria’s Mallee and Murray-Sunset NP sometimes organize “progressive camps” incorporating Wyperfeld, Pink Lakes and Hattah-Kulkyne NP. This article offers useful information for planning and enjoying a Wyperfeld base camp.

Showcase your club’s favourite base camp location!
Base camps are a fantastic way to attract and engage new members. They also encourage walkers to enjoy a wider range of tracks. We’d love to harness your knowledge, and strengthen our club network, by sharing your favourite Victorian base camp location with other readers.

Tell us all about it: when to visit, walks and maps, facilities & accommodation, complementary activities…whatever makes it special! Email your article (in Word format, with accompanying photos in JPG or PNG format) to  with ‘Brilliant Base Camp’ in the subject line. We look forward to receiving YOUR base camp inspiration!

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Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail

A new coastal trail will enable walkers to experience a 90-kilometre walk which traverses breathtaking and culturally significant Gadubanud Country between Fairhaven and Grey River. The trail – the Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail – will provide a 7-day, 6-night hike, as well as day walks and shorter walks. When complete, it will link the Surf Coast Walk and Great Ocean Walk, resulting in uninterrupted track stretching from Torquay to the Twelve Apostles.

The Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail Master Plan was released recently, and the Engage Victoria site has been updated with next steps, the project video and the Master Plan. The plan was shaped by over 12 months of community and stakeholder consultation. Over 3,000 responses were received, focussing on design principles and trail alignment; environmental excellence; suspension bridges; lookouts; accessibility; camping and car parks.

The trail’s guiding principles ensure that the trail respects and promotes the rich cultural heritage and natural values of the area; existing tracks will be utilised where possible. In places, the preferred trail alignment has moved further inland, incorporating more of the Great Otway National Park. This short video explains how the Master Plan was developed. Significant funding has been invested by the Victorian Government; construction is expected to begin next year.

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FedWalks 2022 – Don’t miss out!

There are still places available for the Federation Walks event in north-east Victoria on the first weekend in October. So grab a friend or three, check out the walks program and book – the broad range of activities offers something for everyone!

Accommodation options vary from free camping to boutique choices: do it your way. All the walks and cycle tours allow you to explore the rich diversity of the area: lookouts & landscapes; wildflowers & woodlands; snow gums & snowgrass plains; creeks & caves; waterfalls & wildlife…

This map provides a great overview of the walk locations. At only $30 per person for two days’ activities, FedWalks is great value for money. To see what’s available click on the ‘Book Now’ button on the Fedwalks website. Don’t miss out!

Image: Cecily Fletcher. Warby Walkers, Mount Buffalo

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Brilliant Base Camp #1: Grampians (Gariwerd) NP

We’re happy to share the first in our Brilliant Base Camps series. The Grampians is one of Victoria’s favourite national parks, famous for wonderful walks, amazing views, Aboriginal cultural heritage and stunning wildflowers. The region offers a wide range of accommodation and other recreational activities such as photography, canoeing and kayaking. Given its popularity, you’re more likely to have the tracks to yourself if you choose to walk mid-week. Here are our notes and suggestions for planning Grampians base camps.

Now…over to you!

What’s your favourite Victorian base camp location? To share it with other readers, email a prepared article (in Word format, with accompanying photos in JPG or PNG format) to  with ‘Brilliant Base Camp’ in the subject line. Authors and clubs will be acknowledged. You might like to include these details: why the location is special; best seasons to visit; suggested walks (including family-friendly walks); facilities; camping and accommodation choices; options for other outdoor recreation; a list of maps and resources.

Large or small, well-known or practically unknown, we look forward to receiving YOUR base camp ideas.

Image: Warrnambool Bushwalkers. Best view spot in Tower Hill

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Update from the Board

The first meeting of the new Bushwalking Victoria board of management was held recently and we were pleased to welcome two new members, Jenny Hosking and Karlene Tomlin, to the team.

Members of the new board are:

President Mike Grant Bayside Bushwalking Club
Vice President Robyn Shingles Strzelecki Bushwalking Club
Secretary Jenny Hosking Melbourne Walking Club
Treasurer Cheng Khoo Melbourne University Alumni Bushwalkers
General Board Robert Bicknell Individual Supporter Member
Michael Burke Individual Supporter Member
Simon Mullumby Individual Supporter Member
Karlene Tomlin Koonung Bushwalking Club

We also welcomed the new Convener of our Bush Tracks and Conservation (BTAC) committee, with Joe van Beek from the Ben Cruachan Walking Club taking over from Peter Maffei, who has stepped down from the BTAC Committee after 10 years of service.

Two board positions remain vacant and we are particularly keen to recruit potential future office bearers to those positions to assist in succession planning at BWV. We are also seeking a new Convener of our Safety Committee with Bob Peterson retiring from the role.

If you are interested in becoming part of our team now or in the near future, you are encouraged to get in touch to express your interest.

We have now launched our new website which we hope you find bright and engaging. If you haven’t visited in a while, please check it out and let us know what you think.