The Federation Walks Weekend for 2024, which marks the 90th anniversary of Bushwalking Victoria, is being held at Wilsons Promontory National Park on the weekend of 11-13 October. The event is being hosted at Tidal River by Bayside Bushwalking Club, ably supported by the Melbourne Bushwalkers, the South Gippsland Walking and Adventure Club and the Gisborne Bushwalking Club. On offer to participants are 20 unique walks ranging from easy to medium to hard.
On the weekend of 22-25 August twenty-two BTAC volunteers worked with Parks Victoria Rangers to tidy up some seven kilometres of walking track that will be used for several of the popular walks offered at Federation Walk. Volunteers arrived on Thursday to settle into the Lodge Accommodation kindly provided free of charge by Parks Victoria.
After a briefing on Friday morning the volunteers worked in two teams to clear the track from Darby Saddle towards Tongue Point. After a well-earned rest overnight, on Saturday morning the volunteers divided into three teams: one to finish the Darby Track work while the other two teams worked on the Three Bays Walking Track. The weather although windy was great for working and objectives were met by mid-afternoon.
As the forecast suggested rain on Sunday morning, it was decided not to attempt any work on Sunday, so all tools were packed up. It is not easy to forecast the weather for the very exposed Wilsons Promontory. Sunday morning was brilliant with the rain not setting in till late afternoon. Some of the volunteers opted to go for a walk while others recced a walk for a future club walk.
Volunteers came from far (Sydney) and near (Traralgon). The volunteers included: three couples, three from the Essendon bushwalking club, a family group of three, three first timers and three from the Bayside bushwalking club who were also members of the Fed Walks 2024 organising committee. The volunteers contributed over 300 on the job hours and spent some 200 hours travelling to and from Wilsons Prom.
Dan Rogers, Ranger – Team Leader for Wilsons Prom National Park, took great care of the volunteers providing them with the comfortable Lodge accommodation at Tidal River and ensuring their welfare and safety over the weekend.
Thanks for the efforts, contributions and camaraderie of all who attended and to Dan and his team for all the arrangements and wonderful support.
Joe van Beek
BTAC Project Manager