Where to start looking for maps?
Bushwalkers need accurate, up-to-date maps. Whether planning or leading a club walk, or walking with a few friends in the bush, good maps enable walkers to safely navigate their intended route. They also open new possibilities during planning and when out on the track. So, where are these good maps found?
Paper or digital?
Using both is best. The paper map provides the 'big picture', can be annotated during planning and is 'weather proof'. A mapping GPS or Smartphone will, at the very least, provide an accurate position. Put both together and you have a well-equipped walker who is unlikely to be mislaid. Both paper and digital maps are discussed below.
A word about scales
Large scale maps are a must: a good scale is 1:25,000, i.e. 4cm on the map = 1km on the ground. 1:50,000 (2cm = 1km) is borderline, sometimes lacking sufficient detail for walkers, while 1:100,000 (1cm = 1km) is really only a detailed road map.
Some Smartphone apps
There are a large number of mapping apps, many linked to websites. For bushwalking, maps should be saved offline into the Smartphone itself, rather than continually accessing the internet via a mobile signal. Here are just a few free apps.
Avenza maps is linked to a map store containing over a million maps worldwide. It can also display custom maps from other sources and is used by many mapping organisations. You can use your phone's built-in GPS to track your location on any map, plot tracks, add photos and much more.
Organic Maps is your worldwide street directory with lots of additional information. It is similar to the popular Maps.Me app, but is completely free and the app maker does not track your location.
Terra Map is a good, easy app for plotting your track on a walk. It can also quickly plot photos as you walk.
Many navigation apps allow a free trial period before requiring a paid subscription to open up many features that are useful to bushwalkers. These include the ability to download maps for offline use, the ability to print maps and access to a library of maps and air photos.
Map sources
Vicmap is the Victorian Government mapping agency. It is part of Land Use Victoria in the Department of Transport and Planning. It produces over 10,000 separate map sheets, using 3 scales, covering the entire state. These are:
Vicmap Topographic 1:25,000, A0 sheet
Vicmap Topographic 1:30,000, A4 sheet
Vicmap Topographic 1:30,000, A3 sheet
(1:30,000 maps contain the same detail as 1:25,000, but are designed for easy printing on A4 or A3)
Vicmap Topographic 1:50,000, A0 sheet
Vicmap Topographic 1:100,000, A0 sheet
These maps are updated every 18 months to two years.
The maps are available either online or via the Vicmap Viewer Smartphone app. This app allows you to purchase, download, store and copy Vicmaps to the Avenza map app. As only 3 custom maps (including Vicmaps) can be loaded into the Avenza free version at any time, the Vicmap Viewer app is handy storage for the maps. As all the map files are PDF’s, you can print any map you want; the 1:30,000 maps are especially handy here.
Vicmap prints only the 1:50,000 maps and 1:25,000 Specials. These paper maps are available through map resellers and outdoors shops.
If a large number of Vicmaps are required, they can be purchased through a value-added reseller. Memory-map is one such reseller that stocks all Vicmaps. There are limitations: you must use memory-map software for viewing and printing the maps, but the cost savings can be considerable. Memory-map works on both your desktop and through a Smartphone app. Maps are downloaded as you need them or can be fully downloaded from the memory-map digital map store. Vicmaps are also available in some paid apps e.g. Gaia GPS Premium. Maps and air photos from an extensive library can be downloaded into the Gaia GPS app; printing is available through the Gaia desktop web page.
Third-party maps which utilize Vicmap data
Vicmap spatial data is freely available to map producers to make their own maps. nswtopo and Getlost Maps make 1:25,000 maps covering Victoria which are published in the Avenza app Map Store. nswtopo maps use similar symbology to Vicmap and make a small charge. Getlost maps use a slightly different symbology, are free, and contain additional data from other sources, e.g. OpenStreetMap. These maps can also be downloaded from the Getlost Maps website in a printable form if a paper copy is desired.
Spatial Vision
A number of areas of interest to walkers are covered by Spatial Vision’s Outdoor recreation guides. Most of these maps are at a scale of 1:50,000 and are packed with detail. Wilsons Promontory, The Grampians and Bogong Alpine area are a few examples. The maps can be purchased as paper, and are also available in a georeferenced form through the Avenza app map shop. Spatial Vision no longer prints or directly sells its maps. The remaining stocks of paper maps are available through map resellers, who may be able to provide copies of out-of-print maps for you.
Popular walking locations, such as the Brisbane Ranges, Lerderderg and Werribee Gorges, Hattah-Kulkyne, Mornington Peninsula, Dandenong Ranges and others are covered by Meridian’s Walking and Park Maps. The maps can be purchased as paper or are also available in a georeferenced form through the Avenza app map shop.
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the world maintained by over ten million volunteers. These maps form the basis of the maps used in many Smartphone mapping apps. Many areas are mapped in great detail, including the accurate plotting of walking tracks. Occasionally, one may come across a remote area where the mapping is incomplete. Printing of these maps can be done through a number of websites. Inkatlas is one such site which is free, easy to use and you can add your own track plots too. It can print in black/white and A4 multipage so expensive printing is not required.
Cartography Community Mapping
CCM provides large scale topographic maps of areas around central Victoria, particularly Castlemaine. Scaled at 1:10,000 to 1:20,000, the maps are produced for bushwalkers and show walking tracks, access roads, vegetation, contours, and features of interest. They are free and provided as pdf files for printing (mainly on A3 paper), as KMZ files for Garmin GPS devices and as Geotiff for use in Avenza.
This much-loved street directory does show minor roads and some walking tracks. In some areas the tracks are incomplete or inaccurately marked. There is also an online version.
Parks Victoria
Parks Vic visitor guides (Parknotes) often contain wide-ranging information on visitor facilities, walks and a good sketch map of the park. Whilst a few of these are currently available through the Parks Vic website in the web pages related to the particular park, the complete catalogue is available at the Parks Victoria Visitor Guides Resource Library. Many of the maps are also available in a georeferenced form through the Avenza app map shop for free.
Rooftop and Hayman maps
These maps can be only obtained through map resellers and outdoors shops - see list below. The Forest Activities Map series are the ones for walkers, at a scale of 1:50,000 or 1:30,000, with more detailed insert maps of some areas. The Rooftop maps cover some popular walking areas such as the Cathedral Ranges, Marysville district and Victorian Alpine areas.
Google and Apple maps
These online maps are primarily road maps but do show some tracks in some areas. Both are available as apps for a Smartphone and Google maps are readily opened on a desktop.
Google Earth
Don’t forget this superb resource. Once you have decided on your walk route, you can visualise it on Google Earth, checking out every twist and turn. If you don’t have the program on your desktop or smartphone, you can use the web version.
Local Organisations
Don’t forget local organisations. Councils, alpine resort managements etc often produce excellent maps and track notes of walks in their areas.
Walkers requiring maps of areas adjoining Victoria’s borders (e.g. Kosciuszko National Park) can source them from interstate bodies or seek help from local Map Distributors and Outdoors shops. Distributers are able to print some interstate map series on demand.
Map Distributers and Resellers
ABC Maps – shop and online. Maps printed on demand.
Maps, Books and Travel Guides – shop and online. Maps printed on demand. Laminating and printing on waterproof paper can be provided.
MapWorks – shop and online
The above list is not exhaustive, but can start you on the way to finding quality, up-to-date maps for your bushwalks.
A final word – Printing from electronic maps for bushwalking
An increasing number of maps are being published in electronic form only. Many of these maps are in geopdf format and can be printed to the correct scale in ‘tiles’ on a home printer, using free software e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader. Detailed instructions are in the article How to Print Electronic Maps
Links and sources accurate as at 10 June 2024. Link validity and link content are subject to change.
This information provided by Andrew Robinson