A respectable member of the Bushwalking Tracks and Conservation (BTAC) team recently said: “There’s not enough emphasis on the C-word”. Momentary consternation, then…oh, that word: conservation! Protecting forests, rivers, waterways and wildlife for ourselves and for future generations. Bushwalkers state-wide share concerns that the walking track network in places we love is being affected by logging, invasive species, incursion of mountain bike tracks and growing development within National Parks.
It can be easy to feel disenfranchised, especially when we don’t hear about new projects or developments until after plans are well underway. Rather than feeling powerless, clubs and individuals are encouraged to register with Engage Victoria, the Victorian Government’s online consultation platform. It enables people to contribute their ideas to consultation processes and participate in the development of government policies and programs.
By becoming informed and proactive, bushwalkers can guarantee that their concerns about conservation are taken into account at an early stage in any planning process. Bushwalking Victoria and BTAC frequently add their voice to conservation debates: why not add yours? The more voices the better.
Image: Melbourne Bushwalkers