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BWV Board

Executive Board Members

President: Robyn Shingles

Vice-President: Jeff McDonell

Secretary: Giovanna Ford

Treasurer: Judy Morris

General Board Members

Robyn Teed

Peter Campbell

Prof Ian Macdonald

Jane Spence

Mark Summers

Standing Committee Conveners

Bush Search and Rescue (BSAR) Co-Conveners: Monica Chapman & Rod Costigan

Bushwalking Tracks and Conservation (BTAC) Convener: Joe van Beek

Safety Convener: TBA

Training Convener: Lyn Atkinson

Executive Officer

Richelle Olsen

Administration Officer

Alan Abrahams

Our Governance Arrangements

Bushwalking Victoria is a not-for-profit incorporated association governed by an elected Board of Management, comprising four executive members and six general board members; each is elected from our affiliated member clubs and individual supporter members. Each board member has a fiduciary duty and specific legal and ethical responsibilities. In addition, Bushwalking Victoria is governed by our own Rules and Bylaws.

The organisation’s day-to-day management is carried out by the Board and four standing committees with administrative support. Each standing committee convener is supported by a subcommittee or subject-matter experts.

Bushwalking Victoria’s funds are generally derived from membership and subscriber fees; we also receive grant funding from the state government to undertake specific projects.

Bushwalking Victoria is a member of the Bushwalking Australia Council, the national peak body for bushwalking in Australia.

BWV Rules of Association

BWV By Laws

Association Registration No. A0002548Y.
Australian Business No. 88 344 633 037