Distance: 8.7 Km | Duration: 3 Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Circuit | Map
Best Season: Autumn, Spring
About the Walk
An undulating walk through varying forest, with only minor climbing. Much of the walk follows old water races. The area's mining history is visible. Fern gullies, tall trees, wattles, and pink and white heath can be seen along the track.
The Walk in Detail
All on track. Some road walking. 100m change in elevation. Four easy creek crossings.
Start: Cnr Byers Road and Golden Point Road
- Walk south on Martin St (Greendale/Trentham Rd) to Cann St (Great Dividing Trail marker). Turn right onto Cann St. Veer right onto McLennon St. Distance 1.4km.
- Turn left onto Whipstick Loop Wk, a water race. Contour above Whipstick Ck. Cross the bridge and continue south, crossing 5 vehicle tracks. Cross Whipstick Ck and walk north and then west. Cross German Gully and walk to the junction with Lerderderg Tk. Continue west on Whipstick Loop Wk to Back Ck. Cross Back Ck at the bridge. At the next junction, veer left and walk north to the Jack Cann Reserve. Distance 4.6km.
- From the Jack Cann Reserve, retrace steps to the junction of Whipstick Loop Wk. Turn left onto Whipstick Loop Wk and walk east. Cross the Whipstick Ck on a bridge and continue to junction with McLennon St. Turn left onto McLennon St. Veer left onto Cann St and left onto to Martin St to the walk end point. Distance 2.7km.
End: Cnr Byers Road and Golden Point Road.
Disclaimer: All reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the route description was as accurate as possible at the time of publication.
The accompanying map is general in nature and should not be relied on for navigation purposes.
Getting There
Drive to Blackwood on the Western Highway via Melton and Bacchus Marsh, taking the Greendale-Myrninong Rd turn-off from the highway and follow the Greendale -Trentham Rd to Blackwood. Click here for a map of Blackwood showing the recreation reserve.
Walk Precautions
Parts of track are slippery when wet. Beware of road traffic.
Additional Information
Blackwood Recreation Reserve: