Seawinds and the OT Dam (W9 2018)

Walk 9 Seawinds and the OT Dam

NB. The following information was current at the time of the event

Distance:  9 Km   |  Duration:  4 Hrs   |  Grade:  Grade 3   |  Rating:    |  Style:  Circuit

About the Walk


A walk focussed on Arthurs Seat State Park, woodlands and historic areas, including a circuit of the<br /> pretty OT Dam, which supplied the OT cordial factory. Enjoy wildflowers, views across Port Phillip Bay<br /> and William Ricketts sculptures in the Seawinds garden.

The Walk in Detail

From Seawinds garden car park, walk west on the walking track for 300m to a lookout with great views over the bay, then continue north to another lookout with views to the Otways. On the right are several William Ricketts sculptures. Follow the winding boardwalk to the Matthew Flinders Cairn before taking the steps and track uphill. Cross Arthurs Seat Rd and follow the track to Arthurs Seat summit (toilets  available).

Staying below Arthurs Seat Rd, swing left on an old 4WD track to Nestle Court, then follow that east for 500m to Arthurs Seat Rd. Walk east on the grassy verge for 900m to a 100km/h sign and the entrance to the State Park on your left. A sign here reads 'OT Dam 2.5km, Boundary Rd 4.2km'. Follow this track east for about 300m (almost to Quarry Rd) as it descends to unsigned Friends Track on the right. Following Friends Track, cross Quarry Rd: you'll see the signpost 'OT Dam 1.2km, Boundary Rd 2.9km', before winding through woodlands to a T-intersection with a park management track. Turn right for a short distance to a sign 'OT Dam 700m, Arthurs Seat Rd 400m'. Walk left (north) on OT Dam Rd, following the signage to the dam. Walk clockwise around the dam to the southern side, where a boardwalk provides a good lunch spot.

Complete the dam circuit, and then retrace your steps to the intersection of Arthurs Seat Rd and Pindara Rd. Walk west on unsealed Pindara Rd, cross Purves Rd and head back into Seawinds. If you have time, take a short detour through the Nursery Volunteers Indigenous Garden before reaching the car park.

Getting There

From Wallaces Rd, turn left into Nepean Hwy. At roundabout, go straight ahead onto White Hill Rd C787 to a T-intersection. Turn right onto Arthurs Seat Rd. After 5.5km, turn left into Purves Rd for 300m then right into Seawinds.  Park in Seawinds car park. (Melways 171 D1) Distance: 16.5km

Walk Precautions

Take care crossing busy Arthurs Seat Road; watch for mountain bike riders near OT dam

Additional Information

Melbourne - South

GPX File: