Distance: 16 Km | Duration: 5 Hrs | Grade: Grade 3 | Rating: | Style: Circuit | Map
About the Walk
A circuit walk from Rawson to Walhalla including a train ride.
The Walk in Detail
From Rawson walk along Old Depot Road for about 1km then take the track south, then southeast, to the Walhalla Road. Walk down the Coopers Creek Road to Platina Station.
Follow the track across the slope eastwards then walk down the foot track to the Thomson River to the outlet of Horseshoe Bend Tunnel. Walk the bed of the river upstream to the tunnel inlet then climb the foot track to the railway line walking track.
Turn right to Thomson Station, cross the road bridge and turn sharp left and walk northeast up the Morman Town Track before turning right when you reach the Australian Alps Walking Track. Follow the Australian Alps Walking Track to reach Walhalla, taking in the spectacular views along the way.Take the train from Walhalla Station back to Thomson Station. Walk north up Old Depot Road to finish the walk at Rawson.
Getting There
From Moe, 130 km East of Melbourne on the Princes Highway, drive to Rawson 36.2 km amd 41minutes from Moe. Take the Moe-Walhalla Road C466, turn right onto Knotts Siding Road C481.
The walk starts and finishes at Rawson.