Distance: 18 Km | Duration: 7 Hrs | Grade: Grade 4 | Rating: | Style: TBA | Map
About the Walk
This is a long walk that follows little used vehicle tracks and a well used gravel road. It passes through some beautiful forest with occasional views of the ocean and coast. Koalas are common and, in spring, there should many wildflowers and native orchids.
The Walk in Detail
The walk initially follows Cumberland Track which starts at the boom gate just to the west of the camping ground office at Cumberland River and climbs steeply for a while before settling into an undulating ridgetop walk. There are occasional short sharp ascents that can be slippery after rain. The track is well defined and offers occasional views. The forest is mostly relatively open and quite beautiful in places.
After about 9 km a boom gate is reached at the junction of Cumberland and Curtis Tracks (1). Turn left and follow Curtis Track south for about a kilometre where there is another boom gate at the junction with Wye River Rd (2). Turn left and continue along the road for about 3 km to the signposted junction with Jamieson Track (3).
The track now passes through regrowth following the 2016 fires which is well advanced but still allows for good views of the ocean. Continue on the Jamieson Track past the junction with Godfrey Track (4) until it passes through a bush camping ground before arriving at the finish on the Great Ocean Rd.
Getting There
The start of the walk is at Cumberland River which is 9 km towards Apollo Bay from Lorne. There is an additional 10 minute car shuffle to the finish at Jamieson Creek.