Distance: 15 Km | Duration: 4.5 Hrs | Grade: Grade 2 | Rating: | Style: One Way | Map
About the Walk
A varied walk through bushland in the Wombat Forest, the surrounds of the Bullarto Reservoir, and the hamlets of Bullarto and Leitches Creek Springs. Points of interest include a visit to Bullarto and its reservoir, Kangaroo Creek valley, the extinct volcano: Curry Hill and Leitches Creek Springs, where in 1900 a spring water bottling plant operated.
The Walk in Detail
From the Historic Bullarto Hall car park walk back along South Bullarto Road to Daylesford-Trentham Road, turn east for 200m to the last house on the left hand side ofthe road and take the Quartz Track north at GR 545578.
Walk along this shady track which opens up to become a wide power easement. Continue along the full length ofthe easement descending towards the reservoir. Avoid a track off to the left as Quartz Track terminates at the Bullarto Reservoir Reserve. This very pleasant location on the large grassy verge adjacent to the water is suitable for morning tea under native and exotic trees.
Following the break, proceed south east along the gravel road heading away from the dam wall. At the marked reservoir gateway (GR 562591) turn north along Babbingtons Road which ascends in an even gentle grade. Avoid all gated tracks on the left which lead into the restricted zone. Continue past the sognposted Top Track on the right and the next unlablelled track on the left. Take Spout Track on the left (west) (GR 561602). Its signpost is just visible opposite the track above the bracken.
About 100m along Spout Track avoid a right hand track (GR 560603) and continue to descend for about threee Kilometres all the way to the Kangaroo Creek Track juncton (GR 549626). Easily missed but signposted Badger Track comes n fron the right just before the junction. Proceed west on Kangaroo Creek Road. This is a major gravel road, and soon passes over a lush gully containng the fern lined Kangaroo Creek. The track gradually ascends to the T intersection with signposted Osborne Road at GR 541628.
Turn south on Osborne Road which gradually ascends and arcs around to the south west. Further along note and pass by an old farm fence corner and gate on the right at GR 537615 and soon after pass a square concrete water storage pond on the right. From here the road continues to rise and bend right then left. In this left bend, on the right, note two small Blackwood wattle trees together just past two tracks on the right at GR 534613. Take the second track, firstly towards a farm gate, then following the boundary fence westwards. Continue along this old partly overgrown track, which at times thins to a foot pad and runs besides the fence line in light bush. Ignore two other tracks on the left and continue on a better track northwest around the fence line corner and through two gate posts to the commencement of an easement at GR 530612. The short easement is surrounded by bush and abruptly exits amid farmland onto Currys Road.
Follow Currys Road for about 300m in the very peaceful setting of Ceitches Creek Springs and arrive at the intersection with Springs Road (GR 527617). Descend southwest along the sealed Springs Road 150m to the springs, tucked away on the left. This is a late but very appropriate location for lunch.
Following Lunch, continue along Springs Road to the intersection with Dairy Flat Road (GR 523615). Turn sourtheast and follow Dairy Flat Road to terminate the walk at GR 517602 on the Daylesford-Trentham Road.
Getting There
From the Base (Hepburn Primary School) follow Main Road east an south about 4km to Daylesford. Turn left (east) onto Raglan Street and continue east then south-east on Daylesford-Trentham Road (C317) for about 7km to the intersection with Dairy flat Road. Leave some cars here and proceed 3.5km to Bullarto. Turn south into South Bullarto Road for less than 100m and left into the large shady and protected car parking area near the Bullarto Hall (Grid Reference (GR) 542576).
Walk Precautions
Boots should be work due to the rough tracks. Snakes may be encountered. Drinking from Leitches Creek Springs is not recommended due to the pollution risk. Care is needed on the wooden bridge crossing Kangaroo Creek as the timeber boards have deteriorated. Warm clothing should be carried as the weather here can be surprisingly cold throughout the year.
Additional Information
There is a picnic area at Leitches Creek Springs with 2 tables. There are no toilet facilities or shelters on this walk.