Distance: 15 Km | Duration: 5 Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Return | Map
Best Season: Summer
About the Walk
Starting from Bogong High Plains Tourist Road follow Heathy Spur footpath up a gentle ascent through varied vegetation with lovely flowers until it joins the main Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT). Follow the AAWT until the turnoff to the cairn at the summit of Mt Nelse. Great views.
The Walk in Detail
This walk features alpine vegetation and flowers and great views across Rocky Valley Dam and the Bogong High Plains.
Follow the well marked marked Heathy Spur walking track up a gentle ascent through varied vegetation with lovely flowers until it joins the main Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT)/Big River Fire Trail.
Turn left and follow the AAWT until you reach the Alpine Walking Track pole 817 or the sign to Mt Nelse. Leave the track and turning to the right, walk directly to the cairn on Mt Nelse. There is no track but aim for the highest point and the cairn will become visible.
Return by the same route.
On reaching the AAWT/Big River Fire Trail, there are several options available for this walk including:
Continuing to Mt Nelse as described above, with side trips to either Edmondsons Hut or Johnsons Hut, or both.
Instead of walking out to Mt Nelse and return, visit the above huts and return.
With a car left at Watchbed Creek/Big River Fire Trail, a further 2kms further along the High Plains Road, the return walk can be considerably shortened.
Getting There
To reach Falls Creek from Melbourne, take the Hume Highway (M3) north of Melbourne to north of Glenrowan. Take the Snow Road exit (C522) and continue through Myrtleford, Bright, Mount Beauty and on to Falls Creek village.Falls Creek is 386kms from Melbourne. From Falls Creek Village continue by car on the Bogong High Plains Road to the far end of Rocky Valley Storage Dam wall where there is a small car park and information board.Walk Precautions
This walk is in mountain terrain, above the tree line. Extreme weather conditions including snow and severe winds can be experienced at short notice at any time of year. Adequate clothing and equipment is essential.