Distance: 14 Km | Duration: 4 Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Circuit | Map
About the Walk
A circuit walk from Healesville Sporting Complex through the Healesville township to Donnelly's Weir, returning via Henderson Hill and Maroondah Reservoir. Undulating with one short, medium hill.
The Walk in Detail
Starting at the Sporting Complex, walk left along Don Road and turn right into Toora Crescent. Turn right at Badger Creek Road along the bike track which leads into Healesville township and Queens Park. Turn right after crossing the Maroondah Highway and turn left into St. Leonards Road, through to Camerons Road, Maroondah Parade and right into Donnelley's Weir Road to Donnelley's Weir.
A link track is taken to Maroondah Reservoir viewing point and after a small climb to Henderson Hill, the walk descends into Maroondah Reservoir Park. Follow the vehicular exit road and turn right onto Maroondah Highway. After a short downhill on this road, turn left into Wallace Parade and then right into Mt Riddell Road. At Don Rd turn left and return to the Healesville Sporting Complex.
Getting There
Melway maps: 270 and 278.
Where do we start? Healesville Sporting Complex (Melway Map 278 H5).
Walk Precautions
Watch out for cars when crossing the Maroondah Highway at Wallace Parade.