Distance: 14 Km | Duration: 5.25 Hrs | Grade: Grade 3 | Rating: | Style: One Way
About the Walk
A walk of contrasts: narrow trails through tea-tree and remnant banksia forest, as well as spectacular<br /> cliff top views of the coast and Bass Strait. The walk includes 1km along secluded Fingal Beach at low<br /> tide, enjoying rock platforms, shorebirds and dramatic rock formations.
The Walk in Detail
Follow the track south from the car park for 2.5km to a signed track junction; turn left, dropping to Bushrangers Bay. Have morning tea here, looking across to Elephant Rock.
Go back up to the junction and turn left, following the Coastal Walk as it drops to cross Burrabong Creek before climbing again. Then it's easy going en route to Cape Schanck. The circuit track around the Cape offers excellent views of Pulpit Rock and Bushrangers Bay. Toilets are beside the car park; have lunch on the grass in the lighthouse reserve.
Follow Cape Schanck Rd north for 300m, then turn left onto the unsealed track which returns to the Coastal Walk. Follow the Hooded Plover symbols and orange arrows, passing three spectacular lookouts and a 600 year-old Melaleuca before reaching the Gunnamatta Track junction. Turn left (blue arrows) to Fingal Beach, descending 435 steps to the beach, a shorebird conservation area. Walk NW along the beach for 1km, skirting a small headland about half-way. At the second headland, you'll see a prominent shelf of rock which slopes up the cliff. Ascend this, then turn inland along a sandy track for 150m to meet the Coastal Walk again. Turn right (SE), ascending steadily. After passing the Fingal Beach turnoff, a track on the left signed 'Short Cut to Pines Picnic Area' takes you to the end of the walk.
Getting There
From Wallaces Rd, turn left onto Nepean Hwy. At roundabout, turn right on C788/B110 for 1.5km, then left onto Mornington Peninsula Fwy M11 for 10.5km to a T-intersection. Turn left onto Boneo Rd C777 for 12.5km. Park in Bushrangers Bay car park on RHS of Boneo Rd. (Melways 259 K8) Distance: 29.5km. [10km car shuffle before and after walk. Finish: Fingal Picnic Area (toilets), car park 2. Melways 259 B9 ]
Walk Precautions
Fingal Beach must be walked at low tide; avoid unstable cliffs, dangerous surf and currents; the walk<br /> includes many steps; be careful of traffic in Cape Schanck car park and on Cape Schanck Rd.