Distance: 15 Km | Duration: 5 Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Return | Map
About the Walk
This is delightful walk along the Morses Creek valley which has been classified by the National Trust for its landscape significance. It includes the beautiful historic mining village of Wandiligong. Level walking.
The Walk in Detail
This walk commences at the corner of Gavan and Camp Streets in Bright township.
Begin by following the west bank of Morses Creek upstream through magnificent parkland until the Dougherty's Road bridge, then cross to the eastern bank of the creek. If the weather conditions are right there will be many hang-gliders and parasails operating off the top of the hill to the west. They land right alongside the main road and they are worth watching for a short time.
With some minor deviations the walk follows the creek bank to Alpine Park, which has toilets and is an attractive place for a break.
After the park the track continues along the west bank of Morses Creek until the confluence of Growlers Creek, where it continues to follow Growlers Creek for a short distance before returning to Alpine Park via the main street of Wandiligong.
In the town are numerous historic buildings dating from the 1850s. Very few towns have a more picturesque setting than Wandiligong. The beautiful valley in which it is sited and the well maintained buildings and gardens combine to make it a particularly attractive place.
As the walk returns by much the same route, it is possible to cut it short to suit the needs of the participants.
Walk Map
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Getting There
Drive to Bright via Hume Highway, Wangaratta and Myrtleford. The walk begins in the centre of Bright near the Morses Creek bridge.
Walk Precautions
Additional Information
Alpine Park: