Distance: Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Return | Map
About the Walk
This is a delightful walk along the Ovens River, and is all the more remarkable because it is virtually in the centre of Bright.
The Walk in Detail
This walk closely follows the Ovens River with its beautiful clear water and rounded stone bottom.
Begin on the southern side of the Ovens River and follow a foot-track downstream. The track crosses a number of small bridges over deep cuttings that were made by miners to remove excess water from their workings a little way from the river. After about 1.5 km cross by footbridge to the northern bank and return along the river. The track here looks down into a small canyon that is used by many people in the summer to float along using air mattresses for support. The river in this section is flowing in rock, whereas in most other parts it has a bottom consisting of rounded stones. This walk is 3km return.
When the starting point is reached, there is an option to continue upstream for another 1.5 km to a footbridge. This bridge is then used to cross to the south side and return along the southern bank of the river to the starting point. 6km return.