Distance: 12 Km | Duration: 4 Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Circuit
About the Walk
This walk follows part of the Anglesea Perimeter Track through attractive forest and heathland country, following a series of interlinking tracks. Great views of the coast, and the countryside around Anglesea. Much of the area covered by this walk is environmentally sensitive and walkers are asked to respect the land and not walk off track.
The Walk in Detail
Much of the area covered by this walk is environmentally sensitive and walkers are asked to respect the land and not walk off track.
This walk is on walking tracks and 4WD tracks.
When refering to the walk map provided on this website, please follow the arrows marked '5'. Those marked with a '6' refer to the walk on the Western section of the Perimeter Track.
Car park to clifftops. Take the track that follows the east side of the Anglesea River to the beach. Then turn east and walk up the ramp beside the 89W beach evacuation point. Walk by the Anglesea Camping Ground, following an enclosed path along a camping ground road for about 500m, before taking the clifftop track which comes off on the right.
Clifftop to Scout Camp Rd. Follow the clifftop track. Several tracks go off to the left (north). Take the correct track going north which can be identified by a white mark on a fence post with a black 8 on it. From here the track goes steadily uphill to a T-junction with a 4WD track. Here the Anglesea Perimeter Track turns east for about 100m and then north again after passing through a gate at another T-junction along the Scout Camp Rd. This becomes a made road as it approaches the Scout Camp entrance.
Don's Track to Ellimatta Rd. About 100m before reaching the Scout Camp gate, and just after passing the 30km sign, climb over concrete power poles lying on the ground and follow (west) a bush track marked Don's Track on the map. There are a couple of good lookouts along here on the left. Immediately after the second lookout the track veers to the right, following pink ribbons and an Anglesea Perimeter Track post, to lead west above the football club house and come down on the west of the cricket pavilion to the parking area. Follow the exit road south to Ellimatta Rd, then turn right to the Great Ocean Rd. Cross over the Great Ocean Rd at the intersection and climb up the bank and onto Ixodia Track which runs parallel to the great Ocean Rd and leads north-northeast.
Ixodia Track, Black Wattle Track and under the powerlines to Camp Rd. Follow Ixodia Track moving east and Black Wattle Track moving northeast . These tracks are clearly marked. Black Wattle Track diverges from the Great Ocean Rd, then heads left to a cable fence. The track turns right descending, then ascending up to the powerlines. (Ignore tracks off Black Wattle on the right). These tracks take us to one of the highest spots other than Mt Ingoldsby (maybe a good place for morning tea). Black Wattle Track ends at at Powerline Track which does not have a sign at this point. The Anglesea Perimeter Track track turns left (west) and heads somewhat steeply down- hill. This clay section can be very slippery when wet. At the foot of Powerline Track the track turns left and arrives after 50m at the driveway for the cement works. The track turns right down the driveway to Camp Rd. This section ends at Camp Rd and the cement works.
Camp Rd to Coogoorah Park. Cross Camp Rd and follow the powerlines to a gate. Turn left through this gate and remain more or less walking in this direction (south) until Bingley Pde is reached. Follow this road for some distance and turn right to cross the Anglesea River on a chain of bridges to Coogoorah Park where there are toilet and picnic facilities. From here it is a short walk beside the river back into town.