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Clubs Directory

Ben Cruachan Walking Club Inc


Ben Cruachan Walking Club in Gippsland has members aged from children to 80+. They are from Lakes Entrance to Trafalgar and Heyfield to Yarram. Each year there is a program of about 50 graded walks of various types mainly in Gippsland to meet the needs and capabilities of most people.


Club members are encouraged to take an active role in organising and leading walks of their choice, or just to be a participant in other people's walks. Some members have been enjoying bushwalking for many years, possess an excellent knowledge of our mountain areas and are proficient at bushcraft and navigation. Walks are lead into some of our wilderness areas -- places you would not normally consider venturing yourself. There is expertise with long distance backpacking as well as overnight hiking. Alternatively, many walkers are happy to have their walks guided by experienced leaders and "go along for the ride" Walking is a great way to enjoy a day or two in the bush. The club was instrumental in developing the McMillan Walking Track which runs 220 kilometres from Omeo to Woods Point following the original path of Angus McMillan. The full length of the track is walked every 5 years or so.