Distance: 8 Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: Grade 2 | Rating: | Style: TBA | Map
About the Walk
Yeddonba Cultural Site has rocky outcrops, granite boulders and the view from Milmulyum Lookout. Mt Pilot (548m) has magnificent views over the nearby ranges and valleys. The views include the surrounding bushland of the National Park, cleared pastoral country, and several notable peaks such as Mount Baranduda, and Mount Buffalo.
The Walk in Detail
Yeddonba: Originally a circuit loop, the walking track climbs through granite boulders, past rocky outcrops to the view from Milmulyum Lookout. With a bit of rock scrambling, we will explore the rock overhangs/caves. Return to the cars via the same track.
Mt Pilot: A short walk involving steps for 600m takes you to the summit of Mt Pilot (alt. 545m). 360 degree panoramic views. No toilets
Getting There
Getting To Yeddonba (-36.247, 146.658) -
From White Box Track, return to the Chiltern/Beechworth Road via Cyanide Road, Lancashire Gap Road and the Chiltern-Yackandandah Road. Turn left. After 11kms, turn left onto Toveys Forest Road, veering right onto Yeddonba Road after 1 km and another 1 km to the Yeddonba Cultural Aboriginal Site on the left.
Getting To Mt Pilot (-36.253, 146.670)
Return to the Chiltern-Beechworth Road and turn left towards Beechworth. Just 2 km along turn left onto Old Coach Road for another 2 km and where the road turns to the right, veer left to the car park.