Distance: 14 Km | Duration: 6 Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: TBA | Map
About the Walk
The Wirilda Track (Latrobe Valley's best kept secret) starts on the W18 Track just north of the spillway structure on the Moondarra Dam. It winds through open forests and generally follows along the course of the meandering Tyers River through the Boola State Forest and Tyers Regional Park to the Wirilda Environmental Park; sometimes well above and away from the river.
The Walk in Detail
The Wirilda Track (Latrobe Valley's best kept secret) starts on the W18 Track just north of the spillway structure on the Moondarra Dam. It winds through open forests and generally follows along the course of the meandering Tyers River through the Boola State Forest and Tyers Regional Park to the Wirilda Environmental Park; sometimes well above and away from the river.
The track sidles down to and along the Tyers River with an excellent view of the spillway after about 10 minutes. After a fairly steep climb the track meets a four wheel drive track which is followed to the end. Here a walking track starts which descends gently at first and then zigzags steeply down to a minor stream crossing before emerging out onto W12 near where it crosses the Tyers River and a good place for lunch. Looking down on the river provides a view of the weir which was an early water supply intake for Traralgon. The track leaves W12 on a 4WD track for a few 100 meters and then turns onto a walking track which contours through fern groves before it heads down to Whites Creek. The track leads you past an old lime quarry and kilns before picking up the walking track which descends steeply down to the river and crosses on the old pipe bridge. You will need to wade through some water on this crossing.
Keep an eye out for remnants of the old Traralgon water supply pipe line which followed down this way from the weir. The track finishes as it emerges from the trees at the Gippsland Water Pump Station and enters the Wirilda Environmental Park.