Distance: 11 Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: One Way | Map
About the Walk
You will see excellent Bass Strait and Bay views, surf coast, offshore rocky areas and historic areas. If you walk to Pauls Lookout the total distance will be 12 km. Car shuffle required.
The Walk in Detail
From the car park take the track and steps down to Diamond Bay and explore this bay. Return to the track and turn left (west), walking along Coppins Track (1) to Ocean Beach Road (2). Follow the track to Coppins Lookout (3), go back to the track then left along the track to the steps and the beach near Sphinx Rock. (4). Walk along the beach towards Portsea and you will pass by a hill called Mt Levy (5).
Continue walking along the beach past Portsea Surf Club (6) until you reach London Bridge (7). Climb the steps to the car park and follow the Wilsons Folly Track (8) to Defence Road (9). Turn right towards the Visitors Centre (10) then turn left into Franklands drive. Walk along this road to the Quarantine Station (11). From here follow Coles Track (12) to Observatory Point (13).
Take the walking track back south to the Gunners car park.
Getting There
The walk starts at the car park on Diamond Bay Road near Portsea. (Melways ref: 157 B12 ) and finishes at Gunners Car Park (Melways 166 H7). Drive towards Sorrento on Melbourne Road until you reach to Hughes Road (about 2-3 km before reaching Sorrento). Turn left (south) onto Diamond Bay Rd and follow to the end car park.
Walk Precautions
Car shuffle required. Be careful near cliff areas, steps to beach may be slippery after rain and watch out for cars when walking on main roads.
Additional Information
Point Nepean Visitors Centre