Langi Ghiran Walk and Overnight Hike


NB. The following information was current at the time of the event

Distance:  17 Km   |  Duration:  Hrs   |  Grade:  TBA   |  Rating:    |  Style:  One Way

About the Walk


A 2 day walk that combines a walk in a wild and interesting area with an overnight bush camp in a mountainous park.  Includes a visit to an aboriginal art site. Walkers new to bush camping may wish to take on this walk as a means of gaining experience for longer distance trips and carrying a pack with all your overnight requirements. Low-impact camping with no toilet, washing or cooking facilities. Car shuffle required.

The Walk in Detail


This walk should only be attempted by experienced walkers with the appropriate topographic map and good navigation skills. Granite slabs on and near Mt Langi Ghiran can be very slippery.


This walk involves some steep gradients on forest tracks, and some off-track walking.  It is a 2 day walk that combines a walk in a wild and interesting area with an overnight bush camp in a mountainous park. Walkers new to bush camping may wish to take on this walk as a means of gaining experience for longer distance trips and carrying a pack with all your overnight requirements. Low-impact camping with no toilet, washing or cooking facilities.

From the Camping Ground, the follow the Reservoir track along Easter Creek, past a small weir and up to Langi Ghiran Reservoir, and visit an old quarry, used in the 1880s to build the reservoir to supply water for Ararat. The route then follows Easter creek and an old channel, to the end of a pipeline that still delivers water by gravity from Ararat Reservoir 9 km to the west. This is not potable water.

After lunch at the Pipeline Lookout, proceed up Easter Ck Track to an area east of the main peak. Set up camp in woodland among granite boulders. Later, walk to the top of Mt Langi Ghiran, taking in views east to the Grampians and explore the unique flora and fauna.

On Day 2 travel further along the main access track, branching right (west) just after crossing a main creek line. The route is not marked here but follows the true right hand side of this creek for about 1 km to its source. Then head south, over a small saddle, and down in a southerly direction through tall woodland to Hidden Lagoon.

From the lagoon, follow Billy Ck Track for 1.5 km and then branch right (south) to take the pass west of Mt Gorrin. Keen scramblers may want to climb Mt Gorrin from here, if time allows.

From here the track descends steeply to Langi Ghiran Track (1.5 km). Turn left on this Track and walk 2 km to the parking area for the walk to the Lar-Ne-Jeering Aboriginal art site. The art site is about 1 km from here up a gentle gradient on the southern slopes of Mt Gorrin. The walk finishes at the parking area.  The art site is a sacred site to local aboriginals, so please treat the area with respect.

What to bring
You will need a good pack to carry tent, sleeping bag, ground pad, stove, cooking gear and food, waterproof jacket and warm clothes. Bring (or share) a small toilet spade.  Also essential are a torch and plastic bag to carry out all rubbish. Don't forget any personal medical items.

Otherwise try to reduce your load by cutting out excess clothes and food. There is likely to be no water on the walk, so bring ample water for your walking and cooking needs for 2 days (minimum 5 litres per person).


Although quite short, this walk requires good fitness, especially for carrying a pack. You will need strong boots/rubber-soled footwear (well worn-in), because of some steep, rocky and unmade parts to the trail.  Walking poles would also be useful.

Time: allow 6 hours walking each day

Distance: 8 km day one, 9 km day two

Grade: Medium but carrying packs and bush camping

Getting There

Start: Langi Ghiran Picnic and Camping area

Finish: Parking area for Lar-Ne-Jeering Aboriginal art site

Take the Western Highway through Beaufort. About 11 km after Buangor, take the second turn off right into Langi Ghiran State Park.  Do not take the first entry to the Park (7.5 km after Buangor) as that is not allowed.  On the second turn off (Kartuk Road or on some maps Langi Ghiran Picnic Ground Road) note the Railway Crossing and travel 5 km to the picnic/camping area, where the walk starts. This is a one way walk requiring a car shuffle. At least one car will need to be left at the Lar-Ne-Jeering car park. To get there from the start point drive south down Langi Ghiran Track. This adds about 13 km for the round trip.

Walk Precautions

You will need strong boots/rubber-soled footwear (well worn-in), because of some steep, rocky and unmade parts to the trail. Walking poles would also be useful.

Additional Information

APV001 - InformationAPV002 - ToiletsAPV008 - Picnic TableAPV009 - FireplaceAPV026 - Camping


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