Distance: 10 Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: TBA | Map
Best Season: Summer, Autumn, Spring
About the Walk
The walk to Eagle Point is gently undulating, and clearly sign-posted. It has some good viewing points of the Buffalo Plateau - in particular from Eagle Point. It passes through snow-gum and alpine ash forests, rocky areas and snow-grass plains. Total climb of 200m.
The Walk in Detail
Start and end at the reservoir. The walk commences by retracing 200m of the vehicle trip and turning north up the Mt McLeod Road. About 200 m up this road there is a marked track to the west.
The track winds uphill to the turn off to Og, Gog, Magog. Gog and Magog were legendary giants taken as prisoners to Britain in ancient times. They served as porters at a palace that once stood on the site of London's Guildhall. Og, an antediluvian giant who escaped Noah's flood seems to have joined them there. There is a good view over the plateau from the rocks named after the giants.
The track then heads out to Eagle Point; it is an easy and pleasant ramble. From the top of Eagle Point there are views to Lake Mokoan, near Benalla, 70km to the west, and to the rugged bluff of Mt. Cobbler about 50km to the south.
Return to the reservoir via the route out or by turning south and completing a circuit as shown on the walk map.
Getting There
Drive towards Bright via Hume Highway, Wangaratta and Myrtleford. Take the turn off to Mt Buffalo near Porepunkah. Drive up Mt Buffalo and once you have reached the Buffalo plateau, continue on past the left turn to the chalet, past the park ranger's office, and Reservoir Road is on the right about 200m past the ranger's office. It is about a kilometre from the chalet turn-off. Reservoir Road is good gravel. It is about 3.5 km to the reservoir where there is parking and a shelter.Walk Precautions
There are fixed metal ladders (replaced and upgraded in 2012) which must be climbed for the view at Eagle Point.
Additional Information
Gorge Day visitor area:
Dingo Dell cafe and visitor centre:
The Reservoir Picnic Area: