Distance: 17 Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: Grade 3 | Rating: | Style: Circuit | Map
Best Season: All Year
About the Walk
Head out on this 16.6-km loop trail near Spargo Creek, Victoria. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 4 h 20 min to complete. The trail is open year-round and is beautiful to visit anytime.
The Walk in Detail
The walk starts from the corner of Spargo-Blakeville Road and Ballan-Daylesford Road. Walk SW along Spargo-Blakeville rd for 1.6 kms and turn left (SW) onto Reserve Track; then walk a further 3.4 kms to the main road. Cross the road, veering left at the Y junction then turn Left at the next track T intersection. Follow this track North for 1.3 kms (keeping the road on your left) then turn Right (SE) and walk for 1.1 kms to the Werribee River Campground. Continue South along the Werribee River Walk loop for 2.1 kms to the carpark, then continue North over the river along the Werribee River Walk for 2.2 kms - ignoring tracks on the Left. Turn right onto Carroll Track, then after 500m, veer Left onto McGees Rd. Walk 100m and veer left to stay on McGees Rd, then after 300m turn left (West) onto the walking track. Continue West, then North along this track (ignoring other intersecting tracks) for 2.7 kms to Spargo-Blakeville Rd, then turn left (West) for 1.0 km back to the start.
Getting There
From the Trentham muster point, turn Right onto Falls Rd and drive North for 1.2 kms to Daylesford-Trentham Rd. Turn left and drive 21.0 kms to Daylesford turning left at Vincent St. and continue for 17.0 kms (through Muskvale) to Spargo-Blakeville Rd. Driving distance from Trentham muster point: 39.2 km
Walk Precautions
Some parts of this route may be overgrown.
Additional Information
Central Victoria