Distance: 12 Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: Grade 3 | Rating: | Style: Circuit | Map
About the Walk
A circuit walk from Hepburn Springs.
The Walk in Detail
From the Hepburn Springs car park, walk uphill East for 100m along the 4WD track veering right (SE), and after a further 100m; then left after a short distance at the Y junction. Continue East for a further 2.0 kms almost to the Midland Highway (ignoring three track intersections on the Right), then turn left (North) and left again (NNW) for 700m to Back Hepburn Road. Cross over (it's quite a quiet road), then pick up a west bound track (to the left) about 50m off Manning Road. Follow this track for 800m to a track T intersection and turn Left (South) onto Dry Diggings Track. Walk 200m, then turn Left again at the T intersection (South), and after 400m cross the Back Hepburn Rd. There is an option to climb Jackson's lookout on the right. Follow this track back to the Hepburn Springs car park (toilets and picnic area).
Then take the track from the west end of the car park to the track that crosses the bridge. Turn SE and walk 200m then veer left at the Y junction, and follow this track for a further 2.1 kms to the Hepburn reservoir – and ignoring tracks on the left along the way. Turn Right, then after 300m turn right again and follow this track NW for 1.2 kms (ignoring tracks on the Left and crossing a shallow creek along the way) to a T intersection. Turn right (North) and walk 300m and turn left to join Third St, then walk North along the outskirts of Hepburn - past the dam and aboriginal swimming hole for,1.0 km. At the 4-way track intersection, continue straight North and Northwest to the Hepburn Springs car park.
Getting There
From the Trentham muster point, turn Right onto Falls Rd and drive North for 1.2 kms to Daylesford-Trentham Rd. Turn left and drive 21.0 kms to Daylesford turning right at Vincent St North and continue for 4.0 kms (through Hepburn). Turn Right into Hepburn Springs and drive 500m past the Pavilion Café to the car park. Driving distance from Trentham muster point: 27.0 kms.
Option: If staying in Daylesford, contact the leader for an alternate meeting place.
Walk Precautions
May be a shallow creek crossing.
Additional Information
Hepburn Springs
Central Victoria