Whiskey Creek to Ambler Lane

Image Placeholder

NB. The following information was current at the time of the event

Distance:  Km   |  Duration:  Hrs   |  Grade:  TBA   |  Rating:    |  Style:  TBA   |  Map

Best Season:  Autumn, Spring

About the Walk


An energetic walk into the Lerderderg Gorge, which takes in bush roads and footpads, with a number of steep descents and ascents. Among its highlights are the scenic Kenworthy Tk and the Byers water race, with views of the river and the gorge.  15.5 km option requires a 2.5km car shuffle.

The Walk in Detail

All on track. 200m change in elevation. A river crossing; wet feet likely. Walking poles useful.

Start:  Junction of O'Brien Rd and Whiskey Track

  1. Walk south-east along Whiskey Tk to the junction with Kenworthy Tk. Distance 3.0km.
  2. Turn left at the GDT marker onto Kenworthy Tk, which descends steeply into the gorge. Cross the Lerderderg River and walk through Mine Camp (LER521) to East Tk. Turn right onto East Tk and continue south to the junction with Cowan Tk. Distance 3.6km.
  3. Turn left onto Cowan Tk (LER520) and climb steeply north to O'Briens Rd. Distance 3.7km.
  4. Turn left onto O'Briens Rd and continue north-west to the junction with Short Cut Tk. Turn left and continue west on Short Cut Tk until it rejoins O'Briens Rd. Continue west on O'Briens Rd to O'Briens Crossing. Distance 2.3km.
  5. Climb the steps to Byers Back Tk (LER523). Continue north-west on Byers Back Tk to the junction with Ambler Ln. Turn left onto Ambler Ln and continue south to the walk end point. Distance 2.9km.

End:  Junction of Ambler Lane and O'Brien Rd  Car shuffle to junction of O'Briens Rd and Whiskey Tk. Distance 2.5km.

Option: Walk 2.5km along O'Brien Rd to return to the car/s making an 18km walk in total.

Disclaimer: All reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the route description was as accurate as possible at the time of publication.
The accompanying map is general in nature and should not be relied on for navigation purposes.

This park is infected with Cinnamon Fungus.  Please observe the following control measures:

  • Be clean on entry and exit. Vehicles, tyres, machinery, footwear and camping gear should be free of soil, gravel and mud prior to entering or leaving any park, reserve or campsite (particularly in high risk areas). Don't bring soil or gravel in – and don't take any home!
  • Where available, use boot cleaning stations and vehicle wash down bays – they are there for a reason.
  • Remain on formed roads, tracks and pathways at all times. Moving from infected to uninfected areas can spread the pathogen - particularly during wet weather when soils are wet and sticky.
  • Obey all track and road closure signs. Do not enter areas of vegetation that have been quarantined.

For full details on the fungus and required control measures please follow link provided in Further Information below.

Getting There

Take the Western Highway (M8) via Melton and Bacchus Marsh, taking the C318 exit from the highway and then turn right onto C381 (Greendale-Myrniong Rd) crossing over the highway and travelling towards Greendale. In Greendale (6.4km) turn right to stay on C318. In 7.2km turn right onto O'Brien Road and you should reach the junction with Whiskey Track in 1km (on your right).

Walk Precautions

Challenging river crossing if the river is high or flowing fast. Descents are steep and slippery. Cinnamon fungus area.

Additional Information

APV002 - Toilets APV008 - Picnic TableO'Briens Crossing, 2.5km from walk start/end. Very limited car parking at walk start.

Central Victoria

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