Mt Dunn (W3 2022)

Mt Dunn

NB. The following information was current at the time of the event

Distance:  8 Km   |  Duration:  Hrs   |  Grade:  Grade 3   |  Rating:    |  Style:  TBA   |  Map

About the Walk


A gentle amble through snowgum woodlands and across snowgrass plains to the fabulous views to be seen from Mt Dunn, named after geologist, Edward John Dunn, the Director of the Geological Survey in the Victorian Department of Moines and Water Supply from 1904-1912. In 1907, he proclaimed Mount Buffalo to be 'The Garden of the Gods'.

The Walk in Detail

From the picnic area head west on the track running along the south side of the lake to the Mount Buffalo Road. Cross the road to the start of the Long Plains Track. Follow this across snowgrass plains and through snowgum woodlands ending with a steep climb to Mount Dunn’s rocky summit reached by a vertical ladder. Return by following the outward track back to Lake Catani.

Getting There

Take the Great Alpine Road (B500) from Wangaratta. At the big (and only) roundabout on the B500 at Porepunkah turn west onto the Mt Buffalo Road (C535). From here it is 27 km (45 minutes) to parking at the Lake Catani Picnic area. In total, it is 100km, 1 hr 40 min from Wangaratta.

Walk Precautions

Additional Information

Open flattish grassy track on Long Plains section.

Rocky steps to base of Mt Dunn.

Track up Mt Dunn moderately steep and rocky, climbing a series of steel ladders.

North East Victoria

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