Distance: 8 Km | Duration: Hrs | Grade: TBA | Rating: | Style: Return | Map
About the Walk
A walk between two camping grounds, with one long steep section (about 400m in altitude). There are great views from near Cave Hill and visit Ditchfields Hut and a large cave overhang.
The Walk in Detail
This walk goes through Mount Buangor State Park and Mt Cole State Forest areas.
The walk begins opposite the shelter and soon crosses over the Middle Creek Road and the Ferntree Waterfalls Road. Keep on the track as it climbs gently and crosses over two gravel tracks. Turn left onto a fire track, continue to the junction on the side of the hill (there is a marker post with an orange arrow) and follow the Cavehill Walking Track.
The track now begins a much steeper climb of around 400 metres in altitude. Turn right at a T-intersection and follow the track up towards the north-west (the track to the left leads to the Cave overhang). The route continues to a clearing where it intersects with the Beeripmo Track.
Turn right onto this track towards Cave Hill. There is a good morning tea spot with great views, a short distance along this track. The track levels out as it crests Cave Hill and descends gently towards Ditchfields. Cross straight over the Mt Cole Road and a small fire track and then walk down to the Camp Road. Turn right and follow this road to Ditchfields Hut. This is a good lunch spot with toilets and picnic tables.
Retrace your steps towards Middle Creek but at the T-intersection, continue on to the Cave overhang (200-300 metres). Return to the T-intersection, turn right and retrace the route down to Middle Creek Campground.
Getting There
Take the Western Highway to Beaufort. Travel west through Beaufort for 11.8 km and turn right onto Ferntree Gully Road. Follow this for 7.5 km, ignoring any side roads, until you enter the Mt Buangor State Park. The first turn left will take you to Middle Creek camping ground.Walk Precautions
Additional Information
Middle Creek: