Distance: 24 Km | Duration: 9 Hrs | Grade: Grade 5 | Rating: | Style: One Way
Best Season: Summer, Autumn, Spring
About the Walk
Quite simply a great walk if you are into Type 2 fun, and have good knees! The best sampler of the lower alps, up over Mt Tamboritha (1509m), a quick walk along the 4WD track to the The Rock Shelter (1140m), amazing views and steep cliffs and vague footpads along the way to Long Hill (1286m), the continuous drop with rarely seen northerly aspects of the Crinoline, the narrow ledges and open exposure getting to The Crinoline (1165m), the rock hopping on the fast drop to more sheltered forest, the countless switchbacks as you drop from 1200m to 300m.
The Walk in Detail
What can you say when an overnight walk is crammed into a day walk and then is rated very hard? After a great walk over Mt Tamboritha and a brief respite at the rock shelter, this walk starts to get serious; the footpad continues west staying close to the escarpment for 4kms; the continuous outstanding views to the north cease on reaching the Long Hill (1286m) camp. From here an untracked section leads nearly due west through some dense shrub before turning south, keeping to the western cliff edges. Do not follow the old overgrown track shown on many maps along Long Hill Creek. Two kilometres from Long Hill, a large cairn marks the turn to the Long Hill camp and nearby water. The traverse gets more difficult from here, with the track being indistinct and crossing several rock scrambles; a steep descent leads to a saddle to The Crinoline, the western path shown on many maps does not exist and the easiest way to traverse The Crinoline is to sidle the western side following a series of cairns; interestingly, in contrast to the rest of the hill, the top is composed of a small stunted forest of snow gums. Follow the spur south, the pad is poorly defined for the first kilometre and involves some slippery descents, some rock hopping and dense scrub; slowly it opens to a more defined pad, flatter and starts a series of switchbacks leading to a pleasant wander towards the MMWT/Smiths St junction. From here you feel it is over; but you still have 3km and another 500m to drop and 30 more switch backs; at the least the track is well defined and easy to follow. This is a long day walk with very significant total ascent/descents and is best suited to very fit walkers. While no special equipment is required, walking poles may be of assistances for the long descent and climbs. No water is readily available on the walk. Please bring enough energy supplying food and snacks and equipment/gear/clothing suitable for a long day in an alpine/sub-alpine region.