Distance: 10 Km | Duration: 6 to 7 Hrs | Grade: hard | Rating: | Style: Circuit
Best Season: Spring, Summer
About the Walk
<p>This challenging walk starts from the TW Spur track on the Benwerrin-Mt Sabine Rd. The walk follows rough tracks to the Cumberland River. You visit Brunswick falls, Galliebarinda falls and Upper Cumberland falls, then return via Yannathan falls.</p>
The Walk in Detail
TW Spur Track to Brunswick Falls
Follow the TW Spur Track for about 2 km to where a track is marked with pink ribbons that should be visible departing from the road in a south westerly direction. The path follows the contour gently around to an intersection (watch for pink ribbons). Care must be taken not to miss the path to the right.
Continue to a T-junction in the track on level ground. (The track to the right goes directly to Yannathan Falls). Take the left track down the east side of a ridge for nearly 1 km and then cross the Cumberland River where you will find another track junction. Take the left track downstream to Brunswick Falls. After visiting the falls, retrace your steps to the track junction just south of the first river crossing.
Brunswick Falls To Curtis Crossing
From here turn left (upstream), initially following the east side of the river. After several river crossings you will find the Galliebarinda Falls. From here a made track climbs around the north side of the falls to continue as a rough marked track that follows the river. Continue upstream for about 700m to the ford at Curtis Crossing Track.
Curtis Crossing to Upper Cumberland Falls
From the crossing follow Curtis Track about 35m west uphill. Follow the track that is indicated by pink ribbons, to a log that forms a natural bridge over a stream. This joins the lower end of an old timber tramway. Follow the tramway and marked track northward climbing steadily. The track eventually starts descending to the top of the Upper Cumberland Falls.
Upper Cumberland Falls to start
From these falls follow the marked route upstream to Yannathan Falls, passing a track junction about 50m before the falls. After visiting the falls return to the junction, turn left and climb out of the valley to reach the turnoff to Brunswick Falls. From here take the left track and retrace your steps back to the start.
Getting There
From Geelong drive to Lorne either throught Anglesea and along the Great Ocean Rd or along the Princes Highway via Winchelsea and Deans Marsh. In Lorne turn inland into William St. Continue along William St which becomes the Lorne-Erskine Falls Rd. At the intersection of Lorne-Erskine Falls Rd and Benwerrin Mt Sabine Rd turn left and continue for about 6.5 to 7 km until you reach the TW Spur Track which will be on your left. Park the car here. The walk starts from the gate on the TW Spur Track.
Walk Precautions
This walk should not be attempted after heavy rains. As some tracks are poorly marked and overgrown, and slippery rocks and logs may be encountered on creek crossings, it is suitable for fit and experienced walkers only.