Distance: 15 Km | Duration: 5.5 Hrs | Grade: Grade 3 | Rating: | Style: One Way | Map
About the Walk
This walk offers considerable variety and several highlights without demanding too much of the walker. It is on formed tracks except for a short rocky section with a brief scramble. The walk leads through a variety of landscapes including wet and dryer forests, fern gullies and a patch of picturesque farmland. Much of it follows important watercourses offering some good views and visits 5 lovely waterfalls on the way.
The Walk in Detail
The start is on the Great Ocean Road. We walk up beside the St George River, cross the Allenvale Road (1), pass through a small orchard and climb one short steep hill on the way to the Phantom Falls (2).
After a break we follow the undulating Henderson Track to the path through the Canyon (rocky and one scramble) (3). 1½ to 2 hours later we will lunch at the Sheoak Picnic Ground (6), passing the Henderson (4) and Won Wondah Falls (5) along the way.
Descending alongside the Sheoak Creek we will first see the Swallow Cave and Swallow Cave Falls (7), before crossing the creek and reaching the lookout over the Sheoak Falls (8) below. A quick diversion takes us to the bottom of the falls, then after a short walk we will find the cars at the Sheoak Falls carpark, again on the Great Ocean Road.
Getting There
The start of the walk is a 3.8 km drive from the Registration Hall in Lorne. The car shuffle takes less than 10 minutes.