Distance: 14 Km | Duration: 4 Hrs | Grade: Grade 2 | Rating: | Style: Circuit
About the Walk
This reservoir, situated in the Devilbend Natural Features Reserve, is the largest inland water body on<br /> the Peninsula. Lowland forest, grassy woodland and shoreline provide valuable waterbird habitat;<br /> there are expansive views as the track circumnavigates the reservoir.
The Walk in Detail
From the Daangean Point car park, follow the Daangean Trail clockwise as it meanders through pine forest and woodlands. Turn right at the intersection with Loders Track, keeping an eye out
for the majestic White-bellied Sea Eagle. Swing right onto Stipa Track, remaining close to the shoreline, then left onto Stringy Track, which leads to the Bittern Reservoir picnic area for morning tea.
Follow the Bittern Circuit Trail clockwise around the small Bittern Reservoir, then swing left onto Drain Catch Trail and resume your circumnavigation of Devilbend Reservoir. After crossing Hodgins Rd, follow the track straight ahead (N), approaching the shore once again. This reservoir is globally important: it supports over 1% of the global population of the threatened Blue-billed Duck.
The track hugs the shoreline as it heads west then north, finally crossing the dam wall and returning to your starting point (toilet facilities). Lunch can be enjoyed here in the Daangean Point picnic area.
Getting There
From Wallaces Rd, turn right onto Nepean Hwy. After 1.8km, turn right into Old Moorooduc Rd for 6km, then right into Tuerong Rd. After 2.4km, turn right into Derril Rd for 200m, then left into Graydens Rd. After 500m, the Reserve entrance is on your right. Park at Daangean Point picnic area. (Melways 152 J3) Distance: 15km.
Walk Precautions
Watch for mountain bike riders on all trails in the reserve