Beach and Bush near Aireys Inlet


NB. The following information was current at the time of the event

Distance:  15 Km   |  Duration:  Hrs   |  Grade:  TBA   |  Rating:    |  Style:  Circuit   |  Map

About the Walk


Starting in the centre of Aireys Inlet, we walk to the lighthouse, then along the coast, crossing Moggs Creek, then turn inland following woodland tracks to Moggs Creek Picnic Area. From there, we return to Aireys Inlet via a ridgeline walk offering splendid views of the coast and cliffs.

The Walk in Detail

Points of Interest:

A walk of variety, firstly along the 50 – 60m high orange coloured cliffs of Aireys, on to the lighthouse and then a beach walk to Moggs Creek.  Take in an ocean view before a pleasant walk to Moggs Creek Picnic Area and finally climb to a ridge top for one of the finest views along the coast.

Aireys inlet – Lighthouse – Beach – Moggs Creek.

Walk down Alice Roadf (first street north of store) towards the coast and cross Eagle Rock Pde to pick up the Cliff Walk. Follow the Cliff Walk right (south) along the cliff line to a car park.  Walk through the car park and along the gravel road to the lighthouse.  Beside the lighthouse pick up and follow a track to the mouth of Painkalac Creek, passing a memorial cairn.  Walk to Moggs Creek along the sand and rock shelves.

Moggs Creek – Beach – Lookout – Moggs Creek Picnic Area

Negotiate Moggs Creek and continue for 500m leaving the beach via the second walkway.  Cross the Great Ocean Rd and approach a very narrow opening immediately opposite to a path through the bush and climb up the hill to a seat on the rise.  Continue west for another 300m to a track junction, taking the left hand track that climbs gradually to Ocean View Lookout.  Follow Moggs Creek Track for 100m and turn left up the 4WD track, ignoring the marked walking track opposite.  Continue uphill for a short distance and follow another signposted walking track right which provides pleasant walking to Moggs Creek Picnic Area.

Moggs Creek Picnic Area – Moggs Creek

From south of the toilet block (across the access road into the picnic area) pick up and follow a 4WD management track which reaches Moggs Creek at the rear of houses in Boyd Ave.  Beyond the barrier, turn left then swing right after 150m into Boyd Ave. Turn right along Boyd Ave, left at Noel Rd, first left at Robin Rd and continue to the junction with Sutherland Ct on the left.  Continue straight ahead (east) along the revegetated walking track which curves and descends to a foot bridge over Moggs Creek.

Moggs Creek – Ridge Top – Aireys inlet.

Climb the steps to the edge of the narrow bitumen in Wendt Ct and continue north- east to Old Neuk Rd.  Turn right to intersect the (gravel) Old Coach Rd.  Turn left (north) for 1.5km to a 4WD management track on the right.  Climb (eastward) to the ridge top, opposite a junction with the Surf Coast Walking Track. Turn right for 700 m to the end of the ridge for one of the best views along the Surf Coast.

Return and continue  northeast along the ridge passing another junction with the Surf Coast Walking Track on the left.  About 50m further on take the right fork that drops off the ridge and descends through a gully.  (Ignore the left fork of this track).  Pass between houses to reach Ridge Rd and follow this downhill, turning left into Ironbark Ave.  Turn right into Wybellena Dve, right into Ilaroo Road and finally left into Lialetta Rd that leads to the Great Ocean Rd.  Follow this back into Aireys Inlet.

Getting There

Drive to Aireys Inlet.  Park near Aireys Inlet General Store opposite caravan park.

Walk Precautions

Additional Information

Moggs Creek Picnic Area  APV001 - InformationAPV002 - ToiletsAPV008 - Picnic TableAPV009 - Fireplace


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