Ada River Sawmills and Tramways


NB. The following information was current at the time of the event

Distance:  16 Km   |  Duration:  6 Hrs   |  Grade:  Grade 3   |  Rating:    |  Style:  One Way   |  Map

About the Walk


A walk through tall mountain ash forest, interspersed with myrtle beech and sassafras to<br /> explore the remains of the historic sawmills and tramways that operated in the early 20th century.

The Walk in Detail

Start walking along VHC Track, taking the minor track to the left after 850 m. At 1.75 km take the walking track to the left indicated by a sign post. The track continues to the left leading to the New Ada Mill site at 1.8 km. Follow the track to the right and descend past an old boiler to Federal Crossing at 3.4 km. This is the junction of the old Powelltown Tramway and the Federal Tramway to Warburton. Continue south on the track marked ‘High Lead’ for 250 m to the Ada No. 2 mill site. There are many relics remaining of the mill and tram tracks. Return to Federal Crossing and take the old tramway track marked ‘Ada Tree’ to the northeast for 2.2 km to the site of the New Federal Mill. This makes a good lunch stop. The Little Ada River is crossed on stepping stones along the way, below the remains of a large moss covered tramway bridge. Returning to Federal Crossing for a second time, the route follows the tramway for 8 km. Vegetation changes can be observed as the track climbs gradually towards Starling Gap. There are a few creek crossings and the sites of Ada No. 1 and Ada sawmills are passed along the way. However, these mills are unmarked and little evidence remains of them. The walk finishes at Starling Gap where there are more sawmill relics, an information board and pit toilets.

Getting There

From Warburton Visitor Centre, drive along the Warburton Highway (B380) and Woods Point Road (C511) for 10 km turning right onto unsealed Brahams Road.

Continue for a further 13 km, turning right onto Big Creek Road toward Warragul for 2.2 km to VHC Track (orange sign).

Leave sufficient cars along Big Creek Road at Starling Gap for the car shuffle. Allow 40 mins.

Walk Precautions

May be muddy in places, sturdy footwear and gaiters recommended.

Additional Information


GPX File: