Distance: 15 Km | Duration: 4.5 Hrs | Grade: Grade 3 | Rating: | Style: Circuit | Map
About the Walk
This walk is along the Domino Trail from Trentham visiting the small town of Lyonville and return via a loop on Bligh’s Road. 4.5 hours
The Walk in Detail
Starting at the Recreation Ground walk south along the main road and turn left into Victoria Street, then around the west side of the lake and continue SE to High Street. Walk along High Street for about 600m, then double back to Bath Street and turn Right. Follow Bath Street and turn Left at Victoria Street, then continue to the old railway station to join the Domino Trail. Continue along the rail trail for about 3.2 kms (morning tea) then turn left (South) onto the Domino Creek Loop Track for 100m (veering left at the track junction) then after a further 700m veer right onto the Miller Cutting Track. Stay on this track for about 600m to Domino Creek – where you’ll see the trestle bridge on your right. Continue a further 900 meters along the Railway Avenue track and turn right into Gleeson Street. Continue north for about 200 meters to JP Gleeson Memorial Park – where there are public toilets. Return along Gleeson Street and take the second left, then walk 200m (East) to the curve in the road and turn right onto the walking track – which leads back to the rail trail. Follow the rail trail for about 1.9 kms (lunch), then turn left (North) onto the Domino Creek Loop Track for about 700 meters, then right (East) onto Blighs Rd. Follow Blighs Rd for about 3.6 kms, then re-join the rail trail at the main road and turn Left to return to the start.
Getting There
Starts and finishes from Trentham Muster Point
Walk Precautions
Some deep puddles after heavy rain.
Additional Information
Central Victoria