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BTAC Activity – Mt Sunday to Low Saddle – AAWT

Notorious No More!
The BTAC February track clearing event involved clearing a section of the Australian Alpine Walking Track from Mt Sunday to Low Saddle in the northern extension of the Mt Skene Natural Features and Scenic Reserve. This relatively small section of track is only 3 kms but has had a reputation for being very challenging due to the large amount of fallen trees and growth that made the route indistinct.
Twenty keen volunteers fronted at the 7.30am safety briefing at the Mt Sunday helipad on Saturday morning. This in itself was no small task with many poor sections on the access roads due to rain damage, a tree down at Low Saddle (which Parks Vic cleared as cars waited to get through) and a steep 4WD climb to the helipad campsite. Thanks to the number of chainsaw operators that volunteered and their experience we made good progress into the fallen timber and reached Low Saddle by early afternoon on Sunday. This was well beyond expectations and a credit to the team work and great effort of the volunteers.
For a rather exposed mountain top, the weather was pleasant on the Mt Sunday helipad which allowed good community social time under the alpine stars with the lights of Buller in the distance. Thanks to Jim Craven, Parks Vic who dropped off gear and supplies for the BBQ and the volunteers who helped in the preparation and cooking.
Below images show Before and After shots!
I would like to thank all the volunteers who worked so hard and supported each other so well to get the job done. The posting on the BTAC Facebook page received some great comments that show the appreciation of the walking community:
“Big, big effort and thanks. That section was a commando training course before this. Amazed you have been able to clear it so quickly. Lots of hard work”.
“Wow, legends! any FKT attempt just got 3h faster”
“Makes you want to go back and do it again knowing where the track is this time”
“Thanks for the great work! It’s a small part of the track with a notorious reputation. I’m sure those that pass through will appreciate your efforts.”


Patrick Platt, BTAC