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Application for Individual Membership

Application for Individual Membership

You may apply to join BWV by:

1.  Registering an account
2.  Edit/update your profile page

Fill in the following form and select Register. Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email with an account log in URL. Simply login in and set up your unique profile page.

1. Please create a USER account...

  • Please enter a username. This is used to set up and login to a unique user account. PLEASE NOTE: A username cannot be changed at a later date...
  • Please use a strong password. Passwords that consist of special characters (&#%!@), upper case/lower case characters and numbers are considered strong.
  • Contact Details

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Bushwalking Victoria Inc is constituted to unite all affiliated Victorian Bushwalking Clubs, Associate members and Individual Supporters for the purpose of safeguarding and advancing the common interests of all bushwalkers and to:

    • Promote safe and environmentally responsible Recreational Bushwalking and its benefits to the community.
    • Maintain for the benefit of the community as a whole, a volunteer Search and Rescue Group to assist in land based searches for persons lost in Victoria.
    • Promote and actively work for the conservation and effective management of the natural environment including national and state parks, wilderness, coastal and other public land areas to enhance their bushwalking value to the community.
    • Work to assist with the development, maintenance and protection of the integrity and accessibility of walking tracks, so as to enhance their recreational bushwalking value for all.
  • BWV Newsletter

    Select whether you wish to receive the BWV bulletin...
  • Membership Type

  • Subscription...

    You have selected a Group Membership. You will be able to invite up to %s additional members once the account is approved.

    Add Your Group Details

    • Billing Details

    • If entered, this will appear on the invoice, replacing the First and Last Name.